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Caring Buddy

Caring Buddy Cover


Caring buddy was my third and last project for the Google UX Design professional certification program. In this project I had to design a mobile app and a responsive website for the mobile app. Caring Buddy’s app makes sure that everyone has access to medication, real-time stock updates and reminders. Caring Buddy’s website makes sure everyone is informed on about the prescription medication they or their relatives use.


Real-time stock update for prescribed medication can lead to a compromised health.


Real-time notification of stock updates in the nearest pharmacies, reminders and auto-order for medication.


UX/UI designer, UX researcher


Mobile app,
Responsive website





User rerseach


I conducted user interviews, to better understand the target user and their needs. I found out that there are people who their life might be in danger due to busy lifestyles, but also people who want to help others in need, and use technology to ensure equitable access to medicine for everyone.

Digital wireframes

As the process continued I transferred the user research findings from paper wireframes to digital wireframes.
Caring buddy low fidelity sign in
Caring buddy low fidelity OTP verification
Caring buddy low fidelity my profile empty
Caring buddy low fidelity add medication
Caring buddy low fidelity auto order
Caring buddy low fidelity sign in
Caring buddy low fidelity OTP verification
Caring buddy low fidelity my profile empty
Caring buddy low fidelity add medication
Caring buddy low fidelity auto order
Caring buddy homepage filled
Caring buddy low fidelity sign inCaring buddy low fidelity OTP verificationCaring buddy low fidelity my profile emptyCaring buddy low fidelity add medicationCaring buddy homepage filled

Low-fidelity prototype

View the “Sign Up“ and “Add medication” user flow for the Caring Buddy app in action:

Refining the design

Component library

I created a component library that allowed me to craft the interfaces faster.
Caring Buddy typography
Caring buddy, colors, icons and logoCaring Buddy components


The earlier digital wireframes that I created, provided a blueprint for the layout and structure, serving as the foundation for app's mockups.

Digital wireframe

Caring buddy low fidelity sign in

High fidelity mockup

Caring buddy high fidelity sign in

Digital wireframe

Caring buddy low fidelity my profile empty

High fidelity mockup

Caring buddy high fidelity homepage filled

High-fidelity mockups

Caring buddy high fidelity sign in
Caring buddy high fidelity OTP verification
Caring buddy high fidelity empty profile
Caring buddy add medication
Caring buddy high fidelity auto order
Caring buddy high fidelity homepage filled
Caring buddy high fidelity sign in
Caring buddy high fidelity OTP verification
Caring buddy high fidelity empty profile
Caring buddy add medication
Caring buddy high fidelity auto order
Caring buddy high fidelity homepage filled
Caring buddy high fidelity sign in
Caring buddy high fidelity OTP verificationCaring buddy high fidelity empty profileCaring buddy high fidelity auto orderCaring buddy add medication
Caring buddy high fidelity homepage filled

High-fidelity mobile app prototype

View the “Sign Up“ and “Add medication” user flow for the Caring Buddy app:

Accessibility considerations

  1. Screen and image reader technologies access is added.
  2. High standard color contrast according to the WCAG  standards.
  3. Icons for easier navigation.

Responsive web design


My goal was to ensure and organize the website’s content in a logical manner. This ensures easy navigation for the users but also search engines.
Caring buddy website sitemap

Responsive designs

The designs for screen size variation included mobile, tablet, and desktop. I optimized the designs to fit specific user needs of each device and screen size.
Mobile website high-fidelity prototype


  1. Impact
    The Caring Buddy app has a significant impact, revolutionising medication management, for improved health outcomes. With seamless medication ordering, convenient delivery, and intuitive reminders, it empowers users to stay on track, reducing missed doses and enhancing overall well-being,
  2. What I learned
    I learned that even though the problem I was trying to solve was a big one, diligently going through each step of the design process and aligning with specific user needs helped me come up with solutions that were both feasible and useful. 
  3. Complexity
    Complex registration processes make users not even try the apps out.
  4. Accessibility
    If the user manages to bypass the complex registration, is then faced with inconsistent and hard to use designs.