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Wild Clear Initiative

Wild Clear Initiative Cover


Wild Clear Initiative was my  second project, for the Google UX Design professional certification program. For this project I had to design a responsive website. The Wild Clear Initiative is a forest cleaning and maintaining startup. Users are humans that want to help and make a change by cleaning and maintaining areas but also people who want to learn eco-friendly practices and waste dumping techniques.


Cleaning nearby forests without any help can be overwhelming and disappointing.


Find and join volunteer teams in order to clean maintain a specific area.


UX/UI designer, UX researcher


Responsive website





User rerseach


I conducted user interviews, which I then turned into empathy maps to better understand the target user and their needs. I discovered that there are many people want to make an impact and a change in the planet either by joining a team of volunteers or by donating to a cause.

Pain points

  1. Lack of clarity
    Difficulties in finding forest cleaning companies that offer clear opportunities to join a volunteer team, causing uncertainty on how to actively contribute in change.
  2. Trust & transparency
    Uncertainty about the transparency of the donation practices within companies, making it challenging to trust and confidently donate.
  3. Complexity
    Complex registration processes make users not even try the apps out.
  4. Accessibility
    If the user manages to bypass the complex registration, is then faced with inconsistent and hard to use designs.

Starting the design


My goal was to ensure and organize the website’s content in a logical manner. This ensures easy navigation for the users but also search engines.

Digital wireframes

As the process continued I transferred the user research findings from paper wireframes to digital wireframes.

Low-fidelity prototype

The low-fidelity prototype connected the primary user flow of placing a donation so the prototype could be used further on the usability studies. View the "Wild Clear Initiative" prototype for placing an order in action:

Refining the design

Component library

I created a components library that allowed me to craft the interfaces faster.
WCI TypographyWCI Components


Based on insights from the usability study, Included the toggle component for subscription-based donations.

Before usability study

Donation form before usability studies

After usability study

Donation form after usability studies
Based on insights from the usability study, I included the email field that will send a receipt with all the donation details to the users.

Before usability study

Donation form before usability studies

After usability study

Donation form after usability studies
Based on insights from the usability study,I included the possibility to for the users to donate cryptocurrencies.
Traditional donation
Donation with cryptocurrencies

High-fidelity mockups

High-fidelity prototype

View the donation user flow for the Wild Clear Initiative for desktop and mobile:

Accessibility considerations

  1. Screen and image reader technologies access is achieved by using alt text on each and every page
  2. High standard color contrast according to the WCAG  standards.


  1. Impact
    Positive feedback from user feedback: "By accepting cryptocurrencies, the Wild Clear Initiative has expanded the realm of possibilities for individuals like me who are passionate about charitable giving."
  2. What I learned
    While designing the “Wild Clear Initiative” app I realized that the whole design process is essential and no part should be skipped. Each step influenced and helped the application take its final form.